Stop tb partnership governance structure

The STP Partnership will consist of the Partnership Forum, the governing Board, and a secretariat. The Board will be formed from the members and oversee the strategic direction and monitor the STP implementation. The Secretariat will run the day to day activities. The Board will determine the organogram of the Secretariat. The Executive Secretary will be the Board Secretary. 
The Forum
Members and Partners of the STP will be individuals, organizations, associations, institutions, government, public, and private entities based and legally registered in Tanzania. STP partners will be entities with health interests and motives based in Tanzania and registered outside the country.

The Annual General Meeting is the highest body of STP Tanzania and comprises all the member and partner organizations of STP Tanzania. It defines the general policy of STP Tanzania, meets annually, and shall be convened by the STP Chairperson.

The Governing Board
will be the main advisory body for the STP Tanzania and projects undertaken by the Partnership.
The mandate of the Governing Board will be three years and is renewable for 2 terms, excluding core members who are nominated by virtual of their positions.
The Board will establish a Board of Directors Charter (the “Charter”) that will define the Board’s roles and responsibilities as well as functions and structures in a way that supports the members in carrying out their strategic oversight function. The Board will provide its members with an opportunity to think creatively and critically about how their strategic and operational plans align with the organization’s strategic direction and expectations with respect to governance.
The Governing Board comprises of amount of selected members of the constituencies of the STP Tanzania. The members will be selected from the following constituencies and may alternate between terms:  
  1. MOHCDGEC – Government representative
  2. Member of Parliament / TB Caucus Chair
  3. Development Partners Group,
  4. Ministries, Departments, and Agency (MDAs),
  5. Civil Society Organization / Non-State Actors,
  6. Faith-based organizations,
  7. Corporate and business sector/ ATE,
  8. Professional Associations/ APHFTA,
  9. TTCN
  10. Specific professions e.g., Law/Finance
  11. The Executive Secretary of the STP Partnership
The Committees

The Board will form committees to support strategic leadership in various functions of the organization. Few selected members will oversee strategic directions closely monitor implementation.

The Secretariat
The Secretariat will do day to day activities, lead resources mobilization, coordination and organization of meetings and events.
The Secretariat shall comprise of the Executive Secretary, a Technical/Administrative Officer, and a secretary. Other staff will be recruited by the Executive Secretary based on agreed needs and available resources. In order to ensure the appropriate independence of the Secretariat within the Host Institution, the Secretariat will be funded by the STP Tanzania.  Partners may contribute to the Secretariat’s functions using financial contributions, provision of equipment/infrastructure, or secondment of staff members.